Camping with Infants and Toddlers Tips – Nomads Roam

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Nomads Haus is a collective that provides Property Design and Development, Interior Design services, Van and Mobile Home Renovation and Rentals, and lastly, through Nomad Roam, Outdoor Gear. The team consists of architects, interior designers, graphic designers, and landscapers focused on creating beautiful spaces and services tailored to the nomad experience.

Category: Campfire safety, Camping, Camping essentials, Camping Gear, Camping safety, Camping tips, Camping with infants, Camping with kids, Camping with toddlers, Category: Family Camping, Choosing the right campground, Family camping, Maintaining a flexible routine while camping, Nature-focused activities for infants and toddlers while camping, Packing for camping with infants and toddlers, Simple meals for camping with infants and toddlers, Sleeping arrangements for infants and toddlers while camping, Stress-free camping, Sun protection while camping, Weather changes while camping

Jun 16, 2023

Camping with Infants and Toddlers: Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Trip

Camping with Infants and Toddlers: Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Trip

Camping with infants and toddlers may seem daunting, but with proper planning and practical tips, it can become an unforgettable adventure for the whole family. Here at Nomads Roam, we'll provide essential advice to make your camping experience with little ones as stress-free and memorable as possible. From choosing the right campground to packing the necessary gear, ensuring safety, and keeping them entertained, we'll cover everything you need to know. Get ready to create beautiful memories and nurture a love for the great outdoors in your children from an early age. Let's dive into our essential tips for a successful camping trip!



Camping with Infants and Toddlers: Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Trip blog post by Nomads Roam



Top 8 Tips for Traveling With Infants and Toddlers



1. Play it safe when camping with a baby for the first time

We cannot stress this enough, if it is your child’s first camping trip, no matter their age, we recommend starting small. Pick a campsite close to home and only camp for a night or two. If you and your family aren’t necessarily “advanced campers”, try to look for campgrounds that cater to families and offer amenities like playgrounds, baby-changing facilities, and proximity to child-friendly activities.

Remember that even the most responsible parents can become irritable if you abandon them in the middle of the woods when camping with young children. If your kid seems a little off because of their new surroundings and routines, try to be understanding, and if worst comes to worst, when the campsite is close, home is only a few hours away. 



2. Plan Your Trip and Pack Strategically

When camping with infants and toddlers, careful planning and strategic packing are essential. Start by creating a checklist of all the necessary items you'll need for your little ones.

  • Diapers and Wipes: Calculate the number of diapers your child will need for the duration of the trip, including extras for unforeseen circumstances. Pack enough wipes for diaper changes and general hygiene.
  • Extra Clothing: Infants and toddlers can be messy, so pack extra clothing to account for spills, accidents, or changes in weather. Include both warm and cool-weather options, as temperatures can fluctuate in outdoor settings.
  • Baby Food and Formula: If your child is still on formula or baby food, pack enough supplies for the duration of the trip. Consider convenient, pre-packaged options to minimize preparation time and mess.
  • Medications and First Aid: Bring any necessary medications your child may require, along with a well-stocked first aid kit. Include essentials like band-aids, antiseptic ointment, and any specific medications prescribed for your child.
  • Comfort Items: Don't forget to pack comfort items that your child is attached to, such as blankets, stuffed animals, or pacifiers. These familiar items can provide a sense of security and make them feel more at ease in the camping environment.
  • Outdoor Gear: Depending on the age of your child, you may need to pack outdoor gear such as a child carrier backpack, a sturdy stroller suitable for rough terrain, or a portable high chair for mealtimes.
  •  Miscellaneous Items: Consider other essentials like sunscreen designed for infants and toddlers, insect repellent, a portable baby monitor, a portable crib or bassinet, and any specific items your child needs for sleep, such as white noise machines or nightlights.

By planning your trip in advance and packing strategically, you can ensure that you have all the necessary items to keep your infants and toddlers comfortable, safe, and happy throughout your camping adventure.



3. Create a comfortable sleeping arrangement 


A cranky, tired baby is probably the last thing you want to experience on a camping trip. To ensure the comfort and well-being of both the children and you parents, ensure your infants and toddlers have a comfortable sleeping area. Bring sleeping bags, blankets, or portable cribs designed for camping. Familiar items from home can help them feel secure.

Getting a baby to fall asleep in a tent can be quite a challenge. The trick is to make this sleeping arrangement as similar and comfortable as their normal one. Consider investing in a baby travel bed if you will be camping with infants. You could even choose to use your regular bassinet from home, as long as it folds up well and doesn't take up much space. 

We also recommend getting your little one their own baby sleeping bag. This ensures that they will stay warm and cozy all night. 


4. Practice Campfire Safety 


Campfires are a common part of the camping experience, but it's crucial to prioritize safety, especially when camping with infants and toddlers.


  • Choose a Designated Fire Pit: Use a designated fire pit or fire ring provided by the campground. This helps contain the fire and reduces the risk of accidents.
  •  Keep a Safe Distance: Ensure infants and toddlers are kept at a safe distance from the campfire. Establish a clear boundary or barrier to prevent them from getting too close to the flames or hot coals.
  • Never Leave Children Unattended: Never leave infants or toddlers unattended near an open flame, even for a brief moment. Assign a responsible adult to supervise children at all times when a campfire is lit.
  •  Teach Fire Safety: Take the opportunity to educate older children about fire safety. Teach them the dangers of fire, how to respect it, and the importance of following safety rules.
  • Extinguish the Fire Properly: Before going to bed or leaving the campsite, ensure the fire is completely extinguished. Pour water over the fire and stir the ashes until they are cool to the touch. Never leave a fire smoldering or unattended.
  • Consider Alternatives: If you're concerned about having an open flame around young children, consider alternative options such as using a portable propane or electric camping stove for cooking instead of a traditional campfire.



5. Stay Sun-Safe and Prepare for Weather Changes


 Sun Protection: 


  • Infants and toddlers have delicate skin that is more susceptible to sunburn. Apply sunscreen specifically formulated for their sensitive skin, with a high SPF rating, at least 15-30 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply sunscreen frequently, especially after swimming or sweating. Additionally, dress your child in lightweight, breathable clothing that covers their skin, including a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to shield their face and eyes from direct sunlight.


Seek Shade: 


  • Set up your campsite in a shaded area or create shade using a canopy or umbrella. This provides a cool and protected space for your little ones during the day. It's also important to plan outdoor activities in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun's rays are less intense.


 Prepare for Weather Changes: 


  • Outdoor conditions can change rapidly, so be prepared for unexpected weather changes. Pack rain gear, such as waterproof jackets and pants, along with extra blankets to keep your infants and toddlers warm during chilly evenings. Stay informed about weather forecasts for the camping location and adjust your plans accordingly.


Bug Protection:


  •  In outdoor settings, bugs and insects are inevitable. Protect your children from insect bites by using child-safe bug repellents or insect-repellent clothing. Keep the camping area clean and free from food scraps to minimize the presence of bugs. Be sure to check out our other article on Insect Identification Guide - Bites & Stings. 


Stay Hydrated: 


  • Ensure that infants and toddlers stay hydrated throughout the camping trip. Encourage them to drink plenty of fluids, especially during hot weather, to prevent dehydration. Bring a sufficient supply of water, and consider using spill-proof cups or bottles to minimize accidents.



6. Try to Maintain a Flexible Routine 

When camping with infants and toddlers, it's important to maintain a routine that balances their needs while embracing the flexibility of the outdoor environment. These are some tips.


  • Stick to Nap and Meal Schedules: While it may not be possible to adhere strictly to your regular routine, try to maintain consistent nap and meal times as much as possible. Stick to familiar feeding schedules and create a comfortable space for naps, ensuring your little ones get the rest they need.
  • Embrace Nature's Schedule: Keep in mind that outdoor activities and natural elements may influence your daily routine. Embrace the flexibility of the camping experience by adjusting your plans to accommodate spontaneous discoveries or unexpected delays. Allow your children to explore and engage with the natural surroundings at their own pace.
  • Be Prepared for Changes: Prepare for the possibility of disrupted sleep patterns or mealtime variations. Outdoor adventures can be stimulating for infants and toddlers, so be patient if they have trouble settling down for naps or if their appetites fluctuate. Adapt to their needs and provide comfort and reassurance as required.
  • Maintain Familiar Bedtime Rituals: Even in the camping environment, it's beneficial to maintain familiar bedtime rituals. Follow a consistent routine of reading bedtime stories, singing lullabies, or engaging in calming activities to signal to your children that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.
  • Stay Flexible with Activities: Have a list of nature-focused activities and games ready, but also be open to spontaneous playtime and exploration. Let your infants and toddlers engage with the natural environment, encouraging their curiosity and discovery. Adapt activities to suit their energy levels and interests.
  • Embrace Outdoor Quiet Time: Take advantage of the peacefulness of nature and encourage downtime for your little ones. Allow them to relax and observe their surroundings, which can be beneficial for their cognitive and sensory development.



7. Embrace Nature-Focused Activities

Engaging infants and toddlers in nature-focused activities during your camping trip can be a wonderful way to foster their curiosity, stimulate their senses, and create memorable experiences. 

Try taking short, age-appropriate hikes on nearby trails or nature paths. Choose trails that are suitable for strollers or use a baby carrier to explore the natural surroundings. Point out interesting plants, animals, or natural features along the way. Encourage your children to observe and interact with nature during leisurely walks around the campsite. Collect leaves, pinecones, or rocks, and talk about the different colors, textures, and shapes they discover.

Help your little ones identify various birds, insects, or small animals that may be present in the camping area. Bring along a simple field guide or use smartphone apps to learn about local wildlife together. BirdsEye Bird Finding Guide, Pantzen, and MyNature Animal Tracks are all good options for animal identification! 

Create nature-themed scavenger hunts for your infants and toddlers. Provide them with a list of items or pictures to find, such as pinecones, feathers, specific types of leaves, or rocks. This activity encourages observation skills and fosters a deeper connection with the natural environment. Through this, also try ti allow your children to experience nature through their senses. Let them touch the texture of tree bark, smell wildflowers, listen to the sounds of birds or flowing water, and feel the sensation of grass or sand beneath their feet.

Don't forget the classics: Gather around the campfire and tell stories about nature or share folklore about animals and plants. Encourage your little ones to imagine and engage in storytelling themselves, sparking their imagination and love for nature. Take advantage of the dark skies in the camping area to introduce your children to the wonders of the night sky. Point out constellations, share stories about stars, and watch for shooting stars. Consider using stargazing apps to enhance the learning experience.



8. Keep Your Meals Simple 


Simply put, you will have your hands full when camping with a baby or young child. Simple camping dinners are best, especially when you're preventing your kids from choking on sticks, crushing their skulls on rocks, or getting too close to the bonfire.

Choose uncomplicated camping meals or simple dishes that call for boiling water, such as oatmeal, mac n cheese or dehydrated foods. Alternately, bring a cooler and forego the "cooking" entirely. Any kid would love turkey and cheese or PBJs for their camping meals. Nomads Roam offers a ton of articles revolving outdoor cooking. Check out our post on Camp Kitchen Essentials: Tools and Tips for Outdoor Cooking Success, Campfire Desserts: Sweet Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, and Best Vegetarian and Vegan Camping Meals. 

Camping with infants and toddlers can be a rewarding and stress-free experience when approached with careful planning and practical tips. By following the essential advice shared in this article, you can create lasting memories, foster a love for nature, and enjoy a fulfilling camping trip with your little ones. Embrace the adventure, prioritize their safety and comfort, and savor the wonders of the great outdoors together as a family. Make sure to check out our article on the Essential Camping Gear Guide for Families for an in-depth list of what not to forget, and as always, happy camping!
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Camping with Infants and Toddlers: Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Trip blog post by Nomads Roam

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